in dem treiber waren wohl ein paar fehler. hier is alles repariert. |
das ist der neuste treiber du nase..
also ein paar fixes und verbeserungen und wenn du glueck hast noch mehr power |
ICH!!!! aber ich versteh des da oben net ![]() |
Ach, paperlapap, wer hat schon so ne scheissteure neue ati karte ![]() |
ATI Catalyst Treiber 3.5 ! | ||||||||
Download gibbet hier: http://www.amd-insight.de/files/index.html
changelog: Fixed in this driver: The system is not responding when playing Quake II with the OpenGL option set to default, and the video mode set to 1024x768 is now resolved Setting the display resolution to 1027x768 and running the Unreal Tournament 2003 benchmark with Anti-Aliasing enabled, no longer results in the system rebooting The system rebooting when attempting to start a new game of Ballistic Forces is now resolved Enabling Direct3D as the rendering device and setting the display resolution to 1600x1200 in the game Descent 3 no longer results in the game failing to play The shadow flickering beneath the car when choosing Quick Race in Nascar Racing 2003 is now resolved Setting the display resolution to 1024x768 32bpp and enabling OpenGL no longer results in the ground being discolored in the game IL2 Forgotten Battles Connecting a secondary display and enabling extended desktop, followed by running Soldier of Fortune 2 no longer results in a flickering display The game Unreal Tournament 2003 no longer hangs when loading the CTF-December level The game Unreal Tournament 2003 no longer displays corruption when Anti-Alasing is enabled Setting the display options to 1600x1200 32bpp in the Hot Wheels Velocity X game no longer results in the menu screen not being displayed Display corruption is no longer noticed when playing the game Earth 2150 and the game resolution is set to 1024x768 Playing the game Nascar Racing 2003 in OpenGL mode no longer results in the display going black Exiting the game Age of Empire II no longer results in display not being restored properly Playing the game Serious Sam 2 with the display resolution set to 1024x768 32bpp no longer results in the wrong OpenGL renderer being listed when setting the graphics to OpenGL The game A Tale in the Desert no longer pauses during game play and no longer causes the system to randomly stop responding Enabling Pixel Shaders in the game Asheron's Call 2 no longer results in display corruption appearing as the game is played Playing the game Project IGI2: Covert Strike with a RADEONâ„¢ 9700 series card installed in the system results in the ground terrain disappearing and re-appearing as the character is moved. The system no longer stops responding when running 3ds max 2001 The 3DMark2003 shader optimizations found in previous CATALYSTâ„¢ releases have been removed Increased CPU performance is now noticed when enabling the use accelerated post processing in the DivX player Running Maya or SoftImage no longer results in the overly front and backbuffers not being cleared at allocation time Dragging the WinDVD player to the extended desktop when playing a DVD no longer results in a system hang Running certain OpenGL application under Windows XP with a RADEONâ„¢ 7200 series card installed no longer results in display corruption Running the Windows Movie Maker program no longer results in the display corruption appearing on the preview screen Running the ATI Tranquility screen saver found at http://www.driverheaven.net, on an ATI RADEONâ„¢ 9000 series card, no longer results in the system not responding under Windows XP When installing the EAZYLOOKâ„¢ TV upgrade the installer now upgrades the Watch TV scheduled event property in the registry correctly Playing a DVD with TheaterMode enabled no longer results in the display not being maximized on the secondary LCD Enabling or disabling the extended desktop when the Media player is running no longer results in the system not responding Previewing the 3D Pipes screen saver with latest video driver installed no longer results in a slow start and exit of the screen saver The monitor shutting down when booting to the Windows XP service pack 1 desktop when a RADEONâ„¢ 9000 Pro is installed in the system is now resolved The display resolution is now correct on the first startup after the display driver install Playing an AVI no longer results in a screen delay. This issue was known to occur under Windows 2000 with the RADEONâ„¢ 9600 series card installed Enabling or disabling the extended desktop when the Media player is running no longer results in the system not responding The OpenGL hardware overlay is now working correctly in panning mode The memory size on the RADEONâ„¢ 9800 SE not being reported accurately is now resolved Windows 2000 no longer detects the secondary CRT display adapter as the primary display adapter The HDTV icon is no longer displayed when Disable Component Output Support is selected The information tab found in the advanced display properties for the secondary monitor now provides information on the driver version installed The Bios information is no longer listed incorrectly on the Adapter Information |