Beiträge: 783
dabei seit: 10.11.2002
neue screens- hier
Beiträge: 216
dabei seit: 3.1.2003

ziehe grad dessertCombat0.3
da bin ich och ma gespannt
Super Moderator
Beiträge: 8064
dabei seit: 10.11.2002
jojo. wir ham ja zeit matze. un deine cd kriegste ja auch erst morgen
Beiträge: 2342
dabei seit: 30.11.2002
f@ alde
Beiträge: 2071
dabei seit: 29.1.2003
Da bin ich aber auch mal sehr gespannt.

schade nur dass das bei den meisten mods noch so lange dauert
Beiträge: 783
dabei seit: 10.11.2002
Empires is a revolutionary mod for Battlefield 1942 combining first person action and real time strategy elements. Empires introduces buildable and destroyable buildings, a resource economy system, team commanders, and many other features modders of Battlefield 1942 have declared to be impossible due to no available SDK. With buildable/destroyable buildings, the uninspired point system of regular Battlefield 1942 play is eliminated, leading to fulfilling gameplay where victory is determined by strategy and teamwork, not spawn camping. Each team gets their own command vehicle which is capable of placing buildings and giving orders to players. However, to build anything, commanders will have to have the necessary number of resources first. Resource points can be found around the map and refineries can be built on them to mine their resources. Teams will learn that controlling these resource points is the key to victory. Infantry are also getting improvements such as heavy infantry having armor which reduces damage due to projectiles, making them tougher than other infantry classes. Engineers are able to give ammo, drop sandbags for cover, and build turrets for defense. The scout is capable of infiltration by disguising himself as inaminate objects. Infantry will no longer be useless compared to the improved armor and firepower of vehicles.

das is ja wohl der hammer vom strategiefaktor her. sozusagen strategiespiel in ego perspektive. Mit Gebaeude bauen und resourcenmanagement.

bin sehr gespannt.